When you ask someone:“ Did you watch <(film name)>?” , someone answers: “Yes! Oh it's brilliant! ……” , or “Oh I didn't, but I heard it before, it cast XX right? I that nice?” Of course, damn.. or why I asked. Just say you don't know it and watch it secretly, don't show your fool again. So, it’s the worst answer I heard but I gave this answer sometimes too. Movies are cool. Things u got wont make you be prettier, and you never looked different if you didn't watch one. Oh I think some of films make you something less, like maybe you never watch <Titanic> or <Life of Pi> but you are living in this century. What I wanna say is I was laughed, rebuked for two hours by a film yesterday it called <Now You See Me> Actually I’m glad because the ppl it mocked I am not really included? Find an answer is our habitual behavior or we couldn’t get 1mark on our test paper And people who look through this will write an answer and know the r...